Black Women and Financial Freedom: Why This is Important to Me

Do you believe you are entitled to a life of wealth, influence, and fulfillment?  I hope so, because you are.  As a black woman, you are worthy of the very best in life.  I believe you are inherently brilliant, significant, and valuable, and have everything you need within you to create an extraordinary life and make a positive lasting impact on the world.

For the past year and a half, I have been searching for something to fight for, something that makes me feel alive and create a business around.  One thing that sets me on fire is helping black women create financial security.

Even though there are tons of information out there on how to build wealth, it really is an inside job.  Wealth, for a woman, is an expression of her worthiness, value, and brilliance.

A woman’s net-worth will never exceed her self-worth.

When it comes to most women, especially black women, worthiness have been beat out of you.  You have been hurt around your value, sometimes by your own family.  I can definitely relate to this.

When you don’t know, or can’t fully honor your value, it’s hard to manifest money in your life.

This has to change, because when you don’t know your worth, you take shit you shouldn’t take.  You stay in toxic relationships, jobs, and friendships that don’t serve you well.

You accept less than what you’re worth.  You live a life that is too small for your Spirit.  You get sick.  You become a victim who is concerned about surviving than thriving.  You lose your hope and direction, and you lose your joy.


My mission for you

I choose to work with Black Women Visionary Entrepreneurs who need something to fight for that is meaningful, and make great money doing what they love.

I want to help you liberate yourself from the chains that keep you stuck, and empower you to breakthrough adversity, embody your greater purpose, and create a money mindset that supports nothing less than your inherent value.

I want you to be bold and courageous, and share your voice with the world.  I want you to create wealth for yourself and your family.  I want you to make history by becoming wealthy, and to leave that legacy behind for future generations to thrive and build from that.

Remember that you are royalty; you come from a long line of honor, intelligence, respect, and dignity.  Don’t let the world fool you by believing that your legacy started from slavery.  Slavery was an interruption in your history, not a beginning.

You have the power and authority to create the life you desire to live; you are entitled to the very best in life.  You were not meant to struggle.  You were meant to live like royalty.

This is my purpose… to empower Black Women to stand in their brilliance so they can create the courage and confidence to make great money doing what they love while inspiring massive positive change.

Anything less would be uncivilized 🙂

What do you feel about black women and financial freedom?  Please feel free to leave your comments below!


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